Becci – GFE, Massage, Role Play and Domme

She takes a true delight in all things sexy or kinky, collecting fetishes the way some girls collect handbags. Each new experience is a delight to revel in, whether sensual, sexy, or even silly!
Below are some of her particular specialties. Treat this as a flavor palette, an array of elements from which they take the finest ingredients and a dash of spice to whip up a delectable fantasy. She welcomes the excitement of new ideas as well as the comfort of old classics, so don’t be shy whatever your desires. No two sessions are alike. Get in touch to arrange yours.
Unless discussed in advance, she will assume the session will be a girlfriend experience with potential for light kink. For anything more specialist, please talk to her prior to booking. For some sessions, emotional preparation is a key factor – the more information she has in advance, the more she can fantasize, letting her creative mind generate ideas for their perfect playtime.
Contact Becci – GFE, Massage, Role Play and Domme
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X | @BecciBeyond |